Sunday, October 12, 2008

NICU and Ronald McDonald House

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I was released from the hospital last night (finally...) & am now staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Iowa City. While it is a nice place & will be great for a while, I still wish that it didn't have to be this way. No one really plans for having to leave their baby at the hospital.

I probably would have been released sooner, but Wednesday I got really, really sick again. My BP was really crazy high & I had fluid on my lungs again. The drs. re-adjusted my BP meds & put me on a medicine to help me get rid of all the fluid. I am feeling much better & I am glad to have somewhere to actually put things away & be able to focus on my little one.

Dylan is still doing great. The nurses in the NICU told me the other night, “He's just hanging out, being a preemie.” I know that it's true, but it's still hard to leave your tiny baby in the care of someone else. He is such a sweet little guy & I miss him tons. Last night before we left the hospital, we went to visit him. He was really upset & was crying & flailing all over. It was so hard not to reach into that little bed & pick him up & hold him & try to comfort him. I knew that that would not be the safe thing to do because he is so little, but it broke my heart to see him so upset. We finally realized that he was just overstimulated. He had been visited by my mom & step-dad, then the nurse did his diaper change & took all his vitals, then we came to visit. They also had the lights on in his room, which is not normally the case. We ended up turning his lights down & putting our hands over him so he couldn't flail so much. He calmed right down & went to sleep. It was nice to feel like we had done something, but it was still so hard to leave him.

We are planning on heading back over to the hospital this morning to visit with him. We have some other errands to run today, too, in order to get me settled in at the Ronald McDonald house. Derrick will be heading back to work tomorrow, so we have to do some shopping before he leaves. I am also going to try to get some rest today so that I don't end up sick again. The drs. told me that the best thing I can do is to rest & let the pre-eclampsia work its way out. I am planning on taking them seriously because I am pretty sure that over-doing in was what caused the flair up again last week.

I will try to check in more frequently now that I don't have someone hovering over me checking my BP & blood work all the time. Please keep praying for us. While Dylan is doing well, I know that things can change in a second. Also, Derrick is leaving for work tomorrow & I will be here by myself. That is very hard for both of us. So please keep praying – also, if you could remember the other families here at RMH in your prayers, too, I know they would appreciate it. Many of them are also dealing with babies in the NICU.

We love you all & appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, cards & other blessings you give us. I will be checking in again soon.

Dylan with his "sunglasses," hanging out under the lights.

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