Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dylan Quotes

The other day I told Dylan to go get dressed. He said, "I'll do it as fast as a sandwich!" I don't know how fast a sandwich is, but I'm guessing it's pretty fast?

For dinner the other night we went to Culver's. Dylan said, "I love ice cream. And brother. And God! I love God because he made brother in your belly." When I asked Dylan where he came from (because he was being so silly), he said, "Your belly! And maybe Daddy."

"It's a seesaw! I always stay down & Geekie always says up!" - I think that misses the point of the seesaw...

"Dad, put your hands behind my back..." Dylan wanting Derrick to put his cold hands on his back.

Dylan likes to tell jokes. His current favorite is "How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it!" Andrew finds this hilarious. The other day Dylan was telling Andrew the joke. He said, "Andrew, how do you make a tissue dance?" And almost on cue, Andrew sneezed all over him! Guess he knows the answer to that joke now! (January 2014)

Today we were out for a walk & Dylan said, "I like having a mom like you." Um, I think my heart just melted & exploded at the same time. (February 18, 2014)