Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dylan - 15 Month Developmental Update

So I took Dylan to a developmental check in Iowa City yesterday. We do these periodically because of him being a preemie. So, here is how he is doing as an almost 16 month old (13 months adjusted):

Dylan is doing VERY well with his verbal skills. He knows tons of words – Mama, Daddy, Casey (the dog), stinky, thank you, hi, bye, drink, kitty, monkey, TV, shoes, teeth (his FAVORITE word!). He can also say some 2 word sentences like, “Bye, Casey” or “Hi, Daddy.” He seems to understand us most of the time...it's hard to tell sometimes because he does tend to ignore us... The specialist thinks he is doing great in that area. 

Fine motor skills – Dylan is doing pretty well. He can put blocks in a container & pick up cheerios. The specialist did put some cheerios in a small necked bottle & wanted Dylan to dump them out to get them. He couldn't figure out how to do it & kept handing the container back to the lady for her to get them out. It made sense to me though because he never held or tipped his own bottle & he doesn't use a sippy cup (he uses a straw cup that doesn't need to be tipped). We will have to work on that. 

Gross motor skills – Dylan is struggling in this area. He is still not walking or standing on his own consistently. I know everyone is going to tell me not to worry because most kids don't walk til 15 months or whatever, but I am still a little concerned. Because of that (& a few other issues), we will be taking Dylan back around his 2nd birthday to be re-evaluated. 

Overall, Dylan is definitely doing the things he should be for a 13 month old, but he's not doing what a 16 month old does. He's kind of in between the two. We also got Dylan weighed & measured. He weighs 23 lbs, 4 oz & was a little over 30 inches long. That was a little bit of a concern, too, because he has been losing weight. He has been sick & has lost (I think) close to 2 lbs recently & has dropped from close to 50th percentile to closer to the 25th percentile. Now that he is feeling better, if he doesn't start gaining weight again we will have to start adding more calories to his food. We go back to the pediatrician in April, so we will do a weight check then & see how he is doing, unless we notice a problem sooner. We have the visiting nurse come to do shots once a month, so she'll weigh him, too & let us know what she thinks. 

So there is our update. I am working on uploading some new pictures, too! Hope you enjoy them!