Thursday, April 18, 2013

Anatomy Lesson?

So in order to really understand some things about my pregnancies, you need to have an overview of my internal "issues." Just before I got married I went in for my first gynecological exam. After being given a clean bill of health, I continued to go to the doctor once a year for a check up. When we decided that we were ready to have a baby, it was taking us a lot longer than one would expect it to take. We went to the doctor & they made all sorts of suggestions about what we could do to increase our chances, including fertility drugs of some sort. I was not interested in going that route...and there was no way we had the money to attempt that. So we continued to try on our own.

In 2007 we moved back to Davenport & I went back to the same clinic I had been seen at before I got married. The doctor realized there was something not right about my female parts.

So this is what normal female reproductive organs look like:

And this is what my reproductive organs look like: 

Even as a non-medical person, I am sure you can see why this is an issue. There are a lot of things that have to come together correctly to result in a healthy baby in a normal reproductive situation. Then there is me...In our case, there are a ton more things that need to happen just right in order to get a baby. So, that explains why it had taken so long for us to get Dylan, and again why it took us so long to get pregnant with the little one we lost in 2011, and this time, with the sweet baby who will hopefully stay put until June. 

So basically, right now, my insides look like this (aside from the fact that my little stinker is breech): 

I share all this for a few reasons:

#1 - I know there are other women out there with this condition who either don't know that they have it or who think it means that pregnancy is not going to happen for them. My advice? Find a really great gynecologist & get checked. 

#2 - I have told people about my condition & they think I am crazy. So, friends, I am not crazy. This is not a common issue, but it is real. 

#3 - We will be delivering this baby by c-section. Hopefully it will be a scheduled c-section at the end of June. If something happens, we will deliver by c-section earlier. I have several people tell me that "just because I had a c-section with Dylan doesn't mean I have to have one this time." I know that and my doctor told me he would support my decision either way, but if it was his choice, he would advise us to do the c-section. While I appreciate the feedback from friends, we have weighed the options & we feel like this is the safest delivery for both me & the baby. I'm high risk. I have a uterus didelphys, I have high blood pressure, and I have the possibility of a repeat of preelampsia. Besides all of those things, since this little guy is breech, he may not have the room to flip before delivery since my uteruses are smaller than normal sized uteruses would be. After experiencing a kind of emergency c-section delivery with Dylan, I would rather have this completely controlled, if possible. 

So that's our situation. Please keep us in your prayers, but know that things are going pretty well and we are so excited as we get ready for this little guy to join us!

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