Today is International Women's Day. Honestly, I don't generally care much about days like this. I really figured I'd just let today pass without even a mention from me. But as I was thinking about all the International Women's Day posts I've been seeing on Facebook today, it occurred to me that I do care about women & their futures - I just care about them in a different way than many of my friends do.
So today, on International Women's Day, let's not just talk about making a difference & wear pink hats & skip work & protest. Let's actually do something to help women internationally. Here are some ways you can help:
Sponsor a child - Help girls around the world to have food, water, safety, education, & skill training.
- World Vision: Derrick & I have previously sponsored a little girl through World Vision & have had only good experiences with it. It was a blessing to know she was able to get an education because of our sponsorship!
- Nazarene Compassionate Ministries: This is a sponsorship program through our general church. You can sponsor a specific child or you can donate to certain programs. You can even have your money go to items communities may need, like a well or land plowed for a community garden!
Mentor a child - For about a year when I was in college I participated in a program similar to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. It was well outside of my comfort zone, but I am glad I did it!
These kids in my 5th & 6th grade
Caravans class were a hoot!
Poor Ry was the only boy in our crew! |
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters: This program matches you with a child who needs some extra support.
- Volunteer at schools: When I was in high school I volunteered & worked at an elementary school. I still remember many of the kids I worked with & I can tell you that it was as much of a blessing to me as it was to them. I genuinely looked forward to going to work every day!
- Volunteer at your church with the children or teens: Many churches are looking for people to work with kids & teens. I have worked with many different aged girls at our churches & I have really enjoyed all of it! Go through their screening process & love on some young people!
Adopt/Foster/Support Adoptions: It would not be my blog if I didn't mention adoption! 😉 There are many young girls waiting to be adopted. If we really want a different future for women, then we need to step out & make a difference for young girls. Getting them into forever families is one way that we can help keep them out of the hands of those who want to harm them. Young women who age out of the foster care system or out of orphanages are much more likely to be caught up in prostitution & human trafficking that young women who have a permanent family. We can make a difference for them! We can save them from a sad & short life by making a small sacrifice on our end.
- Adoption: International or domestic adoptions can save girls from a lifetime of pain & suffering!
Lucia |
- Reece's Rainbow: My favorite adoption website. This is an international adoption site. You can search for kids by age, gender, special need, & country. Some of my favorite girls are:
- Lucia - This beautiful little girl is said to be very friendly & sweet. She has the most precious smile! There is a video on her profile that is precious!
Betsy |
- Betsy: Her profile makes me want to cry. Her special need is not severe. If she is not adopted, she will age out onto the streets & will likely be caught up into prostitution & will die on the streets. I am not being dramatic - I am being realistic. She does not have a future where she is. Betsy has been hosted by a family in America & desperately wants a mama & daddy to love her!
Cassie |
- Cassie: What a beautiful little girl! She has been abandoned twice - can you imagine? She needs a family to love her! Cassie is just a little younger than Dylan. It breaks my heart to see kids so close to my kids' ages without a family to care for them.
Amber |
- Amber: Amber has some pretty severe needs, but that smile! I have a feeling she could melt hearts wherever she goes! Amber will not age out onto the street...she will be moved to an adult mental institution where she will waste away & die. She needs a family to rescue her & give her a future!
- Domestic Adoption: I don't know much about infant adoption, so I can't address that. I do know that there are many children in the foster care system who are in need of families. There are 2 main websites to find children who are available for adoption in the United States. They are AdoptUSKids & Adoption Exchange. I spend a lot of time on these sites searching for kids who would fit into our family.
- Wanna make a huge difference for 3 young women? These 3 sisters are in need of a family! What a precious addition they would be to a lucky family! Victoria, Kay-Lynn, Laura
- Foster care: Being a foster parent gives support to children who need it. We are also often able to spend time with bio families & build relationships with them! Loving your foster kids does
Celebrating our middle foster daughter's birthday last April.
Every day is a party with a houseful of kids! |
not have to end when the child leaves your home! (Example of this: This last weekend we were able to attend the birthday party of one of our former "extra" kiddos. It was so much fun! We feel so blessed that we are allowed to continue to be a part of these kids' lives! We seriously love them & their family so much!) Most of my friends are in Iowa, Colorado, or North Dakota, so I will list resources for becoming a foster parent in those states. If you need more information or help, please contact me & I will do whatever I can to help you!
- Supporting Adoptions: Adoptions cost money! Many of my friends who are adopting could most definitely raise another child, but it would take them years to save up $20,000 - $40,000 to do an adoption. Donate a few dollars to them & know you are making a forever difference in the life of a child! Here are some families who are adopting girls! Support them if you can!
Mary |
Lynda |
- Mary for the Nalle family - This precious girl 💖💖💖 Her family has had quite the journey to find her! I can't wait to see her home with them!
- Lynda (& Roman) for the Petersen family - I have watched this little girl wait & wait for a family. Her mama is a strong woman who is working her hiney off to raise the funds to get these 2 sweeties home!
Anna |
Dolly |
- Anna & Dolly for the Graham family - These 2 girls need to be home to get the medical care they need! From what I know of their mama, they will be raised to be STRONG, SMART women!
Kaila & Connie |
- Kaila & Connie for the Adair family - these sisters will be joining a house FULL of more sisters! The Adair family has 7 daughters, 4 bio & 3 adopted. One day those little girls will grow into women & I know they will make a difference in our world!
If you have made it to the end of this post, good job, you! Gold stars all around! 🌟🌟🌟 Now stop reading & go make a difference for women around the world. Let's help to raise up the next generation of smart & strong women who will make a difference in the world!
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