Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Foster Care: Kids Going Viral!

This is somewhat of an offshoot tangent regarding foster care. It's somewhat about foster care, but somewhat about adoption.

This week, this adorable sibling set from Kansas has been blowing up my newsfeed. These kids are everywhere & they are looking for their forever family. They are seriously precious. And really, who wouldn't want to see these super cute kids stay together? The agency has been completely overwhelmed with the response of people interested in adopting this sibling set.

All of that is fantastic. I am so thrilled that the needs of these kids are making it around the world so that they will soon be in a forever family. I want to see a follow-up in a year about how they are so happy together in their new family. But then what?

According to a second article from two days after the kids went viral, they received 1,500 inquiries about these kids. 1,500!!! That's crazy & amazing! They will find the right parents with that many people involved! But only one family is going to end up with those kids. What about the other 1,499 families who were interested in these kids? What about the people from other states who wanted them, but were then informed that they wanted Kansas families only?

Well, have I got something to share with you...

There are over 100,000 children in the United States waiting to be adopted, just like those sweet kids who went viral last week. Some kids have special needs. Some are older. Some are only children. Some need to be the only children in the home. But in light of it being a sibling group that went viral this week, I want to share some other sibling groups in need of a forever family with you!

Laura, Kay-Lynn, & Victoria

Laura, Kay-Lynn, & Victoria: These girls speak to my heart. They are looking for a church attending family where they can be involved. They are smart & look like so much fun! They have some issues that are being discussed in counseling (which will be true of most foster kids), but overall, they seem like very sweet little girls!

Tatum, Austin, Rhea, Harmony
Native American friends, look at these cuties! If we were Native, we would try to scoop them up! Their social workers would prefer that they are the only children in the home, but they are willing to consider any family who is interested! They could very much benefit from a permanent family who will keep them all

Fletcher, Shelby, Jackie
Colorado friends- this sibling set would love to have a forever family! Their social workers are looking for a 2 parent household for them. The kids love playing games & being outside. They are considered to be sweet & friendly children.

Darius, LaShiya,
Patience, Taylor

This crew is just adorable! They are very close to each other & want to stay together. I especially loved that the youngest one "is big on following the rules & sometimes tattles on her siblings if they don't!" 😄 They love to be involved in church & are very interested in music!

Okay, readers - here is your assignment. Maybe you are looking to adopt - then look into one of these sibling groups (or one of the many others listed on the national adoption sites - or or your own state's waiting children page). If you are not looking to adopt, then pick a sibling set & share them. Help them go viral & find a family!

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