Sunday, November 27, 2016

Quotes From All The Kids - April through November 2016

Kids. They may make us crazy, but at least they are entertaining! Please enjoy some quotes from the kids in our home over the past 6 months.

"I fart a lot." - S, age 5, while sitting on my lap

Fryfries = French fries
Melomelon = Watermelon
- S, age 5

Child whose parents were arrested for drugs (age 8): "That's (insert policeman's name) house. He's my dad's friend...Well, he came to our house a lot."

"That scared my ears!" - Andrew, age 3

"Look, it's Woodstock & Snoopy Doo! I mean, Snoopy. Not Snoopy Doo. That'd be silly!" - Andrew, age 3

"Andrew, where did we get you?" - me, when Andrew (age 3) was being crazy. Andrew - "Jesus maked me!"

My parents & the boys.
My mom is not in any way
ready to go to a
retirement home.

Dylan (age 7 1/2) - "Why does Grandma Niece have to keep working?"
Me - "Well, she needs to get enough money to be able to pay for her things after she stops working. Like food. And clothes. And soap. You don't want her to be smelly grandma, do you?"
Dylan - (Laughs hysterically!) "Smelly grandma!!! But, Mom, don't they already have soap at the retirement home?"

Andrew working on his memory verse - "Be kind to one another & build...a town."

"More pop-eyes?" (french fries) - E, age 2

"Andrew, why are you yelling?"
"I'm talking to Jesus!" - Andrew, age 3

Andrew - "Eslamelsa" = Esmeralda

Stay tuned to see what hilariousness they come up with during the Christmas season!

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