Thursday, September 10, 2015

North Dakota Update

We have been in North Dakota just over 12 weeks. Almost 3 months. Since I haven't been updating like I should, let's hit the highlights...

Things we don't like:

  • Being an hour from Walmart & Target...or maybe we do like that?
  • The grocery store closing at 8 pm (6 pm on the weekends!)
  • No dollar movie theater
  • Being far away from our dear EastNaz & NBC friends. We miss you all terribly! 
  • Even after moving 12 hours away from our second home, still not being any closer to our family & friends in Iowa. We miss you all so much, too! 
Things we love:

  • The parsonage. This house is gorgeous & HUGE! We love having lots of room to spread out & having the yard to play in. I'm hoping to plant a good sized garden next year.
  • Our church - both the people & the building. Everyone has been such a blessing to us & we are loving getting to know them better.
  • The parsonage being so close to the church. We aren't right next door, but we are just down the street. Derrick walks to work most days & we walk to church most Sundays. I know that will change come winter, but it is so nice right now. 
  • The foster care process is so much easier than Colorado or Iowa. We are excited to hopefully be licensed by the end of the month! We'll put all the space this house has to work!
  • The small town life. Sometimes I miss having a hundred choices of places to go to dinner or tons of activities to attend...but most of the time I don't. We are loving being home more.
  • Along with that, we are loving spending more time together! We were all so busy & pulled in so many different directions in Colorado that it was really too much. It is awesome to be able to be a family again. And since Derrick isn't having to do homework all the time, we have even had time to watch shows together like we used to! 

The move has been hardest on Dylan, which I kind of figured it would be. He was only 3 when we moved to Colorado. He remembers bits & pieces of Iowa, but Colorado was his home. In the weeks & months surrounding the time when we moved, almost all of his friends moved from the area. They are off in Indiana, Michigan, Massachusetts, & on the Navajo reservation in the southwest. Even when he would cry about missing Colorado, he knew most of his friends weren't there. We have kids in our church, but the kids his age are mostly girls & I know he misses playing with other boys. Being homeschooled, he doesn't have a ton of places to meet friends, but we were blessed this week to meet another pastor's wife & her kids at the library. They also homeschool & she has a son Dylan's age, so I am looking forward to getting together with them soon. We also just signed Dylan up for a boys gymnastics class & are hoping that will help him some, too.

Overall, just like our move to Colorado was, this move was a good & right one for our family. It is hard to be so far away from our family & our friends-who-became-family, but we are thankful for technology that helps us keep in touch. I am able to check in often with dear friends in Iowa, Colorado, Indiana, & Michigan. The boys talk to my mom almost every week. I was even able to see pictures of a dear friend bringing her adopted daughter home from Armenia. Derrick checks in weekly with his best friend, Brad, & together they are able to work through the issues of the world...or maybe just the issues of homework & ministry. :-) We are blessed to have so many people who love us all over the country! As we continue in ministry here in Beulah, we are looking forward to building more relationships here & watching God work in the church & community!

Please pray for us as we continue to adjust to our new life here in North Dakota!

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