Dylan - "I didn't know this puzzle would be so hard."
Friday, December 18, 2015
More Quotes From the Boys - December 2015 - March 2016
Dylan - "I didn't know this puzzle would be so hard."
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Quotes from the Boys - May through November 2015
I'm sure there have been many more hilarious things the boys have said, but here are some highlights.
Soupman = Superman
Batban - Batman
Andrew has a problem with Ls. They never come out as Ls. Examples:
Dyyan - Dylan
Tinkle, Tinkle, Yiddle Star - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
I sit on you yap - I sit on your lap
Yook! - Look!
He also thinks that just by adding "okay" to his statement, it automatically becomes true. Ex. -
Andrew - " I have apple juice."
Me - "No, you are having water."
Andrew - "Okay, apple juice."
Sorry, buddy, that's not how it works.
Andrew feeding Casey crackers -
"Andrew, don't give those to Casey."
"It be nice. He yike them."
How do you not let him keep doing it with logic like that?!
While I was discussing all the laundry with Derrick.
Renee: "Ugh, the laundry. I just can't even..."
Dylan (interrupting): "resist!"
Yes, Dylan, I just can't even resist doing the laundry. 8-/
Dylan heard a commercial on the radio for JoAnn Fabrics: "Mom, do you need to go to JoAnn's?"
Me: "No, I don't think I need anything."
Dylan: "But Mom, don't you need yarn?!"
That's my boy! He just knows me so well!
Monday, September 14, 2015
34 Things We Love About Derrick!
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Easter - 2015 |
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Andrew's first birthday |
2. Eat pizza
3. Go park Daddy
4. Up-down Daddy(Andrew likes Derrick to hold him upside down).
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Derrick and Dylan have always loved playing video games together. |
5. He is funny
6. He takes me places sometimes
7. We can go on trips with him
8. We play games & the Wii together
9. He reads to me at bedtime
10. He loves me a lot
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Derrick & Dylan playing light sabers - April 2012 |
12. He has a great sense of humor.
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Derrick has been told he looks like this guy. |
14. He loves Jesus & does his best to follow him every day.
15. He is very smart.
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NBC Graduation 2015 |
16. He encourages me to do what I love.
17. He is great about giving me a break from "mom" life when I need it.
18. He does a great job caring for the boys. He has never referred to himself "babysitting" the boys. He has, however, babysat for our friends before while I went out.
19. He is a fantastic preacher & loves to study God's Word to prepare to share it with others.
20. We are becoming foster parents, not because I want to & he is just along for the ride, but because he understands the need for good foster families & he knows that kids need a stable home while their parents are working their stuff out.
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Derrick & Steven at Steven's wedding - August 2014 |
21. He is very loyal to the people he loves.
22. He doesn't think he is too good to help around the house if he needs to. He loads the dishwasher, cooks, sweeps, & does laundry. His mama trained him right!
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Derrick holding Dylan for the first time - Late October 2008 |
25. He has never been frustrated when my medical issues have made it so I can't do things. He has always been there to be an encouragement for me to do the things I CAN do.
26. I can trust him.
27. He follows God, even when it is hard & isn't the most popular thing to do.
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Candid shot taken just before our wedding. It is still one of my favorite pictures. |
29. He includes me in all decisions that affect our family.
30. He works really hard to control his temper, even when it is really hard to do so.
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Bedtime snuggles! (2015) |
31. He cares about people a lot.
32. He makes our family a priority. He takes seriously his role as a husband & father.
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PJ & Derrick - early 2015 |
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Dave & Derrick - August 2015 |
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Wedding Day - May 22, 2004 |
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May 2007 |
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Fall 2014 |
Thursday, September 10, 2015
North Dakota Update
Things we don't like:
- Being an hour from Walmart & Target...or maybe we do like that?
- The grocery store closing at 8 pm (6 pm on the weekends!)
- No dollar movie theater
- Being far away from our dear EastNaz & NBC friends. We miss you all terribly!
- Even after moving 12 hours away from our second home, still not being any closer to our family & friends in Iowa. We miss you all so much, too!
- The parsonage. This house is gorgeous & HUGE! We love having lots of room to spread out & having the yard to play in. I'm hoping to plant a good sized garden next year.
- Our church - both the people & the building. Everyone has been such a blessing to us & we are loving getting to know them better.
- The parsonage being so close to the church. We aren't right next door, but we are just down the street. Derrick walks to work most days & we walk to church most Sundays. I know that will change come winter, but it is so nice right now.
- The foster care process is so much easier than Colorado or Iowa. We are excited to hopefully be licensed by the end of the month! We'll put all the space this house has to work!
- The small town life. Sometimes I miss having a hundred choices of places to go to dinner or tons of activities to attend...but most of the time I don't. We are loving being home more.
- Along with that, we are loving spending more time together! We were all so busy & pulled in so many different directions in Colorado that it was really too much. It is awesome to be able to be a family again. And since Derrick isn't having to do homework all the time, we have even had time to watch shows together like we used to!
The move has been hardest on Dylan, which I kind of figured it would be. He was only 3 when we moved to Colorado. He remembers bits & pieces of Iowa, but Colorado was his home. In the weeks & months surrounding the time when we moved, almost all of his friends moved from the area. They are off in Indiana, Michigan, Massachusetts, & on the Navajo reservation in the southwest. Even when he would cry about missing Colorado, he knew most of his friends weren't there. We have kids in our church, but the kids his age are mostly girls & I know he misses playing with other boys. Being homeschooled, he doesn't have a ton of places to meet friends, but we were blessed this week to meet another pastor's wife & her kids at the library. They also homeschool & she has a son Dylan's age, so I am looking forward to getting together with them soon. We also just signed Dylan up for a boys gymnastics class & are hoping that will help him some, too.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Questions About Your Mom - Dylan, June 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
11 Years Later
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My favorite wedding picture |
I'm not sure how that happened - 11 years is a LONG time! I feel like I'm not old enough to have been married 11 years, but here we are.
As I spent some time thinking about our 11 years together, it amazed me to think about how much our love has changed. When we started dating 14 (what!?) years ago, we were so young. 16 & 19. We were best friends, but so in love. In our wedding pictures 3 years later, we look like babies! I didn't feel young then, but now I think back on it & realize that we were just beginning our lives. Many people thought we were too young to build a marriage that would last. We had no life experience. We just knew that we were in love & wanted to get married as soon as possible. That love was strong & passionate, full of young dreams.
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Most of the wedding party before the reception. |
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Spring 2007 (I think) |
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Fall 2014 |
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Quotes from the Boys
January 2015
Dylan: "What's this say?"
Derrick: "Tutor."
Dylan: "Toot-er! My house is the Toot-er!" Laughs hysterically!
April 2015
Our dear friends Jenny & Steve teach Dylan's class at church on Wednesday nights. The class is 1st & 2nd graders & they LOVE to chat with each other. Jenny says that she tries not to intervene in their conversations as much as possible. The kids were talking about pets & one of the little boys was telling a story about how he knows someone who "dyed" their dog pink. Dylan responded with "I think you mean 'killed.'" He knew that we didn't "die" things, we "killed" them. The child insisted that, no, he meant "dyed." Dylan continued to argue with him about if he meant "dyed" or "killed." Sometimes in person communication isn't better than text messages & emails!
For some reason, Andrew calls all the grandparents "Baca." We have no idea why or where it came from, but that's what he prefers. So goofy!
May 2015
Andrew's favorite song is Jesus (There's Something About that Name). He loves it & we sing it almost every night. He has started singing it on his own & it is adorable. Also, hilarious! The song goes "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. There's just something about that name. Master, Savior, Jesus..." Andrew's version goes, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Some name. Masser, Freezer, Jesus!"