So even though this is my third pregnancy, my first one ended in Dylan being delivered at 27 weeks & my second ended in a miscarriage at 8 1/2 weeks. I have never been this far along in a pregnancy before. While that is awesome & a blessing, it is weird to be experiencing all these things that I never did with Dylan.
So here is a list of things I used to think pregnant ladies were exaggerating about - and I am now finding out that for the most part, that is just not true.
#1 - Having to pee all the time: So obviously I know that having a child laying on your bladder will make you have to pee more. I had no idea that it would be all the time (but once you get in there you really don't have to go) or that it would be extremely sudden. But surprise...when that baby kicks you in the bladder, you better find the bathroom!
#2 - The pregnant waddle: I always thought, "Really, ladies? Get it together." Um, now I waddle. Not all the time, but enough. And I totally don't do it on purpose. I will be walking through the house, waddling, & will catch myself. And then I say, "Get it together, Renee!"
#3 - Swollen feet: So with Dylan I had swelling, but it was all over my body & was a symptom of my pre-eclampsia. It wouldn't go away no matter how much water I drank or how long I kept my feet up. They were just always swollen until after I delivered...and even that required meds to push the extra fluid out of my body. So now that I am having "normal" swelling, I am kind of confused by it. I was really, really worried when I went to the doctor last time because my feet were so swollen. He told me that it was completely normal as long as it went away after I put my feet up for a while. And guess what? When you are having a relatively normal pregnancy, the swelling does go away with rest. So several times a day my feet swell up super huge. And then I put them up for a while & it goes away. It is the weirdest thing.
#4 - Insomnia: How can you not sleep if you are so tired from growing a baby? Um, I don't know how it's possible, but it totally is. This kid does not want me to sleep at night. After 4 in the morning & napping in the afternoon is fine, but sleeping at times normal people sleep is out of the question! I did not sleep well last night & chose not to nap today. Now I am completely exhausted. But why go to bed when you can't sleep anyway?
Basically, I am getting schooled on pregnancy! Even so, I am still loving being pregnant...but I am definitely excited to meet this little one in a few weeks.
So what about you? Did you have any preconceptions that turned out to be wrong? I'd love to hear about them!
I thought Ella would come early since Kaylee came early. She was a week late. It was a terrible time of waiting. Plus all the Moms that were due after me had their babies before me. Also, I was certain she was a boy since my pregnancy with her was so extremely different than my pregnancy with Kaylee. I was glad we found out because even after the ultrasound I was certain it was wrong and that she was a boy. About a month after the ultrasound I finally forced myself to consider that the ultrasound was right and she was indeed a girl. And she was! So glad I had that time to adjust and contemplate having 2 girls. Ha!