Yesterday & today have been much better days than Tuesday was! Praise God!
Dylan is doing great. He had a heart murmur from the PDA for a while, but they were able to fix it with medicine & the drs. are pretty sure it is taken care of. They'll do another eckocardiogram tomorrow to make sure. He also had a head ultrasound done & the results came back as normal! That is a blessing!!! He was also able to have 1 of the 2 belly button IV's removed, so that means we are one step closer to being able to hold him. The nurse thinks that the other IV will come out soon, so we might be able to hold him this weekend. I am trying not to get my hopes up though. Derrick isn't doing such a good job of that though – he is so excited that we will get to hold him soon.
I am feeling much better than I was a week ago. I have a BP check on Monday, so please pray that that goes well. I do not want to land back in the hospital. I think I would go crazy! But I am feeling good & am hoping that that means I am not so sick anymore. I know I am still fighting some of the results of the pre-eclampsia (mostly feeling exhausted), but my swelling has gone way down & I am not having the breathing problems I was having before. & I can wear my wedding ring again! I haven't been able to do that since about week 10 of the pregnancy!
Derrick is doing well at home. He is back to work & is having somewhat normal days at home. He is staying busy with church & work, so that helps pass the time between visits.
I have been meeting some new people here at the Ronald McDonald house. It is not home, but it will do for now. There are other families here who have little ones in the NICU, so it is nice to have someone to talk to who really understands. From the people I've talked to, though, it seems like Dylan is the earliest & the smallest of the babies who's parents are here. I don't know that for sure, but that is the feeling I get. I am thrilled he is doing so well though!
I feel like I am starting to figure out what's going on, both here at RMH & at the hospital. I sleep like a rock at night & I think that's God's way of helping me to not panic about Dylan all night. I usually wake up once to call the nurse to check on him, then I'm right back to sleep.
Today has been a good day. Not all days will be & I know that, but I know that no matter what happens, God is in control.
The Wednesday I had my appointment that landed me in the hospital, I was typing up the sermon notes for Sunday's service. One of the verses our pastor used was 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. I thought it was a pretty neat verse then, but now it means even more to me. It says, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
While I don't like what is going on right now, I know that there is a purpose behind it. That is why I am sharing my feelings so freely. Besides the fact that I need to get them out somehow, I also feel like someone else may benefit from them at some point.
Thank you all for all your comments, thoughts, love & prayers. I am thrilled & blessed to have such great friends. Love & hugs to all!

Dylan is doing great. He had a heart murmur from the PDA for a while, but they were able to fix it with medicine & the drs. are pretty sure it is taken care of. They'll do another eckocardiogram tomorrow to make sure. He also had a head ultrasound done & the results came back as normal! That is a blessing!!! He was also able to have 1 of the 2 belly button IV's removed, so that means we are one step closer to being able to hold him. The nurse thinks that the other IV will come out soon, so we might be able to hold him this weekend. I am trying not to get my hopes up though. Derrick isn't doing such a good job of that though – he is so excited that we will get to hold him soon.
I am feeling much better than I was a week ago. I have a BP check on Monday, so please pray that that goes well. I do not want to land back in the hospital. I think I would go crazy! But I am feeling good & am hoping that that means I am not so sick anymore. I know I am still fighting some of the results of the pre-eclampsia (mostly feeling exhausted), but my swelling has gone way down & I am not having the breathing problems I was having before. & I can wear my wedding ring again! I haven't been able to do that since about week 10 of the pregnancy!
Derrick is doing well at home. He is back to work & is having somewhat normal days at home. He is staying busy with church & work, so that helps pass the time between visits.
I have been meeting some new people here at the Ronald McDonald house. It is not home, but it will do for now. There are other families here who have little ones in the NICU, so it is nice to have someone to talk to who really understands. From the people I've talked to, though, it seems like Dylan is the earliest & the smallest of the babies who's parents are here. I don't know that for sure, but that is the feeling I get. I am thrilled he is doing so well though!
I feel like I am starting to figure out what's going on, both here at RMH & at the hospital. I sleep like a rock at night & I think that's God's way of helping me to not panic about Dylan all night. I usually wake up once to call the nurse to check on him, then I'm right back to sleep.
Today has been a good day. Not all days will be & I know that, but I know that no matter what happens, God is in control.
The Wednesday I had my appointment that landed me in the hospital, I was typing up the sermon notes for Sunday's service. One of the verses our pastor used was 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. I thought it was a pretty neat verse then, but now it means even more to me. It says, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
While I don't like what is going on right now, I know that there is a purpose behind it. That is why I am sharing my feelings so freely. Besides the fact that I need to get them out somehow, I also feel like someone else may benefit from them at some point.
Thank you all for all your comments, thoughts, love & prayers. I am thrilled & blessed to have such great friends. Love & hugs to all!

Dylan & me in the NICU - I'm not sure who took this pic, but it is one of my favorites.
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