It has been a while since I updated – sorry about that. Things have been kind of up & down recently.
Last Wednesday after I posted my last note, I went to the hospital to find 2 nurses trying to get an IV started on Dylan. Apparently his breathing had taken a turn overnight & the drs. were afraid he had an infection. They did what they call a “workup” of tests. He had blood tests, chest x-rays, & a spinal tap. He was also on preventative antibiotics for a few days. The drs. found out that there was nothing wrong, but they have to do all those tests just to be on the safe side. They changed some things on his ventilator & he has been doing great since then. He has been able to be weaned down to 10 breaths a minute & is doing the rest on his own. His oxygen is up & down, but most babies in the NICU are on oxygen of some sort, so that is okay with me.
On Monday my mom was here & went with me to talk to the NICU social worker about some things I needed to take care of for Dylan. I told her that I have just been feeling really down about the whole situation & she suggested that I go home for a couple of days. So my mom took me home & Derrick brought me back yesterday. It was kind of nice to get away for a little bit, but I was ready to come back. I felt bad about being gone because it means that I missed an entire day of his little life. So I don’t know that I will be going home for an overnight stay again. It was too frustrating for me.
I came back Wednesday to the great surprise that the drs. had weaned Dylan’s ventilator to 10 breaths a minute. He is doing great & the drs. are hoping to get him completely off the ventilator sometime this weekend. He will then be put on a CPAP that will push air down his nose to remind him to breathe, but it will not breathe for him. That is a huge step – he may have to go back to the vent if he is not doing well on the CPAP, but we are praying that that will not happen.
The drs. also said that since he is doing so well on his feedings (he is getting 20 cc’s every 4 hrs. – 30 cc’s = 1 oz.), they will be discontinuing his fat (lipids, I think) drip & his nutrition drip. If he tolerates the 20 cc feedings today, the “picc” line will come out tomorrow night or Saturday morning! That means that he will have no more IV’s in him!
We are also excited because the nurse last night told us he is #2 on the list of babies to be moved from Bay 1 (most critical care) to Bay 2-3 (step 2 in the NICU system). They will move him if there are any more little ones who come in who are in less stable condition than him. While I am very excited about that, it will be really sad to leave the nurses & drs. that have cared for him since his birth. Also, I know that him being moved means that they are making room for other little ones to come in & that is sad. I don’t want any other family having to go through the things that we are.
So that is where things stand right now. Dylan is making a lot of progress & we are excited. Please pray that the progress continues & that we are able to head home sometime soon. Derrick & I would like to have Dylan home for Christmas. That is our goal, but it is really up to Dylan & how much progress he makes over the next 2 months.
Thank you all for all your love & support! You are a blessing in ways you do not even understand! We are thankful for you!
Renee, Derrick & Dylan
PS – Watch for updated pictures coming soon of Dylan in his first Halloween costume…It will be cute, I promise :)!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Update - October 22, 2008
I haven't updated in a few days, so I'm going to try to cover everything that has happened recently.
Last Saturday Derrick & I were finally able to hold Dylan after 12 days. It was nice, but I know Derrick was more excited about it than I was. There is something about holding your baby, but knowing that you have to give him back that just breaks my heart. I didn't really know if I wanted to hold him because of that. It's frustrating because I really bounce back & forth between wanting to hold him & be with him & not wanting to do anything with him because I know that the nurses are going to keep taking him back from me. I want to be more involved, but it is hard when he is so little. We might get to hold him again today, but he has been having some apnea spells where he will forget to breathe, so they may not want us to mess with him.
The drs. are back to not being sure if the PDA near his heart closed or not. If it didn't, that could explain why he is having apnea now after not really having a problem with it before. When I called last night to check on him, the nurse said that he was doing better & had only had one spell since I left. We'll see how he's doing today, I guess. The drs. would like to see him off the ventilator soon, but Dylan doesn't seem to be thinking that is a good idea.
Dylan has also gained some weight since he was born! That is really exciting. As of last night he has gained 4.6 oz. He now weighs 2 lbs., 7.6 oz. It doesn't seem like much, but we are excited about it. His face is starting to fill out & his legs are starting to look a little chubby. It's funny for me to call him “chubby” because he is still so tiny. I was thinking about it the other day & I realized that I have spent so much time in the NICU, I don't really remember what a normal newborn looks like! Dylan seems like he is a normal size to me! It's really weird.
Derrick is doing well. I know he wishes he could be here more, but he is helping out so much by being at work. When Dylan & I were both in the hospital, Derrick used 5 sick days & a week of vacation time staying with us. He really needs to keep the rest of his vacation time in case something else comes up or...for an actual vacation.
I am doing okay today – I think it is because I know Derrick is coming tonight. I go back & forth between enjoying the peace & quiet of being here by myself & being really lonely & homesick. Most people here at the RMH come & go really quickly. There are some people who are going to be here a long time (like me), but most of us are so busy going back & forth to the hospital that we don't connect with each other. Plus, most of the people are just not people I would normally be friends with. I try to like everyone, but personality-wise, I don't think I could just hang out with some of the people here. I did meet one family from Davenport that seem okay, so that is a nice connection to home. They have a little girl in the NICU, so they will be here a while, too.
So there is my update for today – some happy, some not so much. Hopefully I'll be able to get on soon & tell you all sorts of good things, but in the NICU there are always ups & downs. I will let you know soon how things are going. Hope you're all having a great day!!!
Last Saturday Derrick & I were finally able to hold Dylan after 12 days. It was nice, but I know Derrick was more excited about it than I was. There is something about holding your baby, but knowing that you have to give him back that just breaks my heart. I didn't really know if I wanted to hold him because of that. It's frustrating because I really bounce back & forth between wanting to hold him & be with him & not wanting to do anything with him because I know that the nurses are going to keep taking him back from me. I want to be more involved, but it is hard when he is so little. We might get to hold him again today, but he has been having some apnea spells where he will forget to breathe, so they may not want us to mess with him.
The drs. are back to not being sure if the PDA near his heart closed or not. If it didn't, that could explain why he is having apnea now after not really having a problem with it before. When I called last night to check on him, the nurse said that he was doing better & had only had one spell since I left. We'll see how he's doing today, I guess. The drs. would like to see him off the ventilator soon, but Dylan doesn't seem to be thinking that is a good idea.
Dylan has also gained some weight since he was born! That is really exciting. As of last night he has gained 4.6 oz. He now weighs 2 lbs., 7.6 oz. It doesn't seem like much, but we are excited about it. His face is starting to fill out & his legs are starting to look a little chubby. It's funny for me to call him “chubby” because he is still so tiny. I was thinking about it the other day & I realized that I have spent so much time in the NICU, I don't really remember what a normal newborn looks like! Dylan seems like he is a normal size to me! It's really weird.
Derrick is doing well. I know he wishes he could be here more, but he is helping out so much by being at work. When Dylan & I were both in the hospital, Derrick used 5 sick days & a week of vacation time staying with us. He really needs to keep the rest of his vacation time in case something else comes up or...for an actual vacation.
I am doing okay today – I think it is because I know Derrick is coming tonight. I go back & forth between enjoying the peace & quiet of being here by myself & being really lonely & homesick. Most people here at the RMH come & go really quickly. There are some people who are going to be here a long time (like me), but most of us are so busy going back & forth to the hospital that we don't connect with each other. Plus, most of the people are just not people I would normally be friends with. I try to like everyone, but personality-wise, I don't think I could just hang out with some of the people here. I did meet one family from Davenport that seem okay, so that is a nice connection to home. They have a little girl in the NICU, so they will be here a while, too.
So there is my update for today – some happy, some not so much. Hopefully I'll be able to get on soon & tell you all sorts of good things, but in the NICU there are always ups & downs. I will let you know soon how things are going. Hope you're all having a great day!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Update - October 16, 2008
Yesterday & today have been much better days than Tuesday was! Praise God!
Dylan is doing great. He had a heart murmur from the PDA for a while, but they were able to fix it with medicine & the drs. are pretty sure it is taken care of. They'll do another eckocardiogram tomorrow to make sure. He also had a head ultrasound done & the results came back as normal! That is a blessing!!! He was also able to have 1 of the 2 belly button IV's removed, so that means we are one step closer to being able to hold him. The nurse thinks that the other IV will come out soon, so we might be able to hold him this weekend. I am trying not to get my hopes up though. Derrick isn't doing such a good job of that though – he is so excited that we will get to hold him soon.
I am feeling much better than I was a week ago. I have a BP check on Monday, so please pray that that goes well. I do not want to land back in the hospital. I think I would go crazy! But I am feeling good & am hoping that that means I am not so sick anymore. I know I am still fighting some of the results of the pre-eclampsia (mostly feeling exhausted), but my swelling has gone way down & I am not having the breathing problems I was having before. & I can wear my wedding ring again! I haven't been able to do that since about week 10 of the pregnancy!
Derrick is doing well at home. He is back to work & is having somewhat normal days at home. He is staying busy with church & work, so that helps pass the time between visits.
I have been meeting some new people here at the Ronald McDonald house. It is not home, but it will do for now. There are other families here who have little ones in the NICU, so it is nice to have someone to talk to who really understands. From the people I've talked to, though, it seems like Dylan is the earliest & the smallest of the babies who's parents are here. I don't know that for sure, but that is the feeling I get. I am thrilled he is doing so well though!
I feel like I am starting to figure out what's going on, both here at RMH & at the hospital. I sleep like a rock at night & I think that's God's way of helping me to not panic about Dylan all night. I usually wake up once to call the nurse to check on him, then I'm right back to sleep.
Today has been a good day. Not all days will be & I know that, but I know that no matter what happens, God is in control.
The Wednesday I had my appointment that landed me in the hospital, I was typing up the sermon notes for Sunday's service. One of the verses our pastor used was 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. I thought it was a pretty neat verse then, but now it means even more to me. It says, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
While I don't like what is going on right now, I know that there is a purpose behind it. That is why I am sharing my feelings so freely. Besides the fact that I need to get them out somehow, I also feel like someone else may benefit from them at some point.
Thank you all for all your comments, thoughts, love & prayers. I am thrilled & blessed to have such great friends. Love & hugs to all!

Dylan is doing great. He had a heart murmur from the PDA for a while, but they were able to fix it with medicine & the drs. are pretty sure it is taken care of. They'll do another eckocardiogram tomorrow to make sure. He also had a head ultrasound done & the results came back as normal! That is a blessing!!! He was also able to have 1 of the 2 belly button IV's removed, so that means we are one step closer to being able to hold him. The nurse thinks that the other IV will come out soon, so we might be able to hold him this weekend. I am trying not to get my hopes up though. Derrick isn't doing such a good job of that though – he is so excited that we will get to hold him soon.
I am feeling much better than I was a week ago. I have a BP check on Monday, so please pray that that goes well. I do not want to land back in the hospital. I think I would go crazy! But I am feeling good & am hoping that that means I am not so sick anymore. I know I am still fighting some of the results of the pre-eclampsia (mostly feeling exhausted), but my swelling has gone way down & I am not having the breathing problems I was having before. & I can wear my wedding ring again! I haven't been able to do that since about week 10 of the pregnancy!
Derrick is doing well at home. He is back to work & is having somewhat normal days at home. He is staying busy with church & work, so that helps pass the time between visits.
I have been meeting some new people here at the Ronald McDonald house. It is not home, but it will do for now. There are other families here who have little ones in the NICU, so it is nice to have someone to talk to who really understands. From the people I've talked to, though, it seems like Dylan is the earliest & the smallest of the babies who's parents are here. I don't know that for sure, but that is the feeling I get. I am thrilled he is doing so well though!
I feel like I am starting to figure out what's going on, both here at RMH & at the hospital. I sleep like a rock at night & I think that's God's way of helping me to not panic about Dylan all night. I usually wake up once to call the nurse to check on him, then I'm right back to sleep.
Today has been a good day. Not all days will be & I know that, but I know that no matter what happens, God is in control.
The Wednesday I had my appointment that landed me in the hospital, I was typing up the sermon notes for Sunday's service. One of the verses our pastor used was 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. I thought it was a pretty neat verse then, but now it means even more to me. It says, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
While I don't like what is going on right now, I know that there is a purpose behind it. That is why I am sharing my feelings so freely. Besides the fact that I need to get them out somehow, I also feel like someone else may benefit from them at some point.
Thank you all for all your comments, thoughts, love & prayers. I am thrilled & blessed to have such great friends. Love & hugs to all!

Dylan & me in the NICU - I'm not sure who took this pic, but it is one of my favorites.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
NICU and Ronald McDonald House
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I was released from the hospital last night (finally...) & am now staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Iowa City. While it is a nice place & will be great for a while, I still wish that it didn't have to be this way. No one really plans for having to leave their baby at the hospital.
I probably would have been released sooner, but Wednesday I got really, really sick again. My BP was really crazy high & I had fluid on my lungs again. The drs. re-adjusted my BP meds & put me on a medicine to help me get rid of all the fluid. I am feeling much better & I am glad to have somewhere to actually put things away & be able to focus on my little one.
Dylan is still doing great. The nurses in the NICU told me the other night, “He's just hanging out, being a preemie.” I know that it's true, but it's still hard to leave your tiny baby in the care of someone else. He is such a sweet little guy & I miss him tons. Last night before we left the hospital, we went to visit him. He was really upset & was crying & flailing all over. It was so hard not to reach into that little bed & pick him up & hold him & try to comfort him. I knew that that would not be the safe thing to do because he is so little, but it broke my heart to see him so upset. We finally realized that he was just overstimulated. He had been visited by my mom & step-dad, then the nurse did his diaper change & took all his vitals, then we came to visit. They also had the lights on in his room, which is not normally the case. We ended up turning his lights down & putting our hands over him so he couldn't flail so much. He calmed right down & went to sleep. It was nice to feel like we had done something, but it was still so hard to leave him.
We are planning on heading back over to the hospital this morning to visit with him. We have some other errands to run today, too, in order to get me settled in at the Ronald McDonald house. Derrick will be heading back to work tomorrow, so we have to do some shopping before he leaves. I am also going to try to get some rest today so that I don't end up sick again. The drs. told me that the best thing I can do is to rest & let the pre-eclampsia work its way out. I am planning on taking them seriously because I am pretty sure that over-doing in was what caused the flair up again last week.
I will try to check in more frequently now that I don't have someone hovering over me checking my BP & blood work all the time. Please keep praying for us. While Dylan is doing well, I know that things can change in a second. Also, Derrick is leaving for work tomorrow & I will be here by myself. That is very hard for both of us. So please keep praying – also, if you could remember the other families here at RMH in your prayers, too, I know they would appreciate it. Many of them are also dealing with babies in the NICU.
We love you all & appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, cards & other blessings you give us. I will be checking in again soon.

I was released from the hospital last night (finally...) & am now staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Iowa City. While it is a nice place & will be great for a while, I still wish that it didn't have to be this way. No one really plans for having to leave their baby at the hospital.
I probably would have been released sooner, but Wednesday I got really, really sick again. My BP was really crazy high & I had fluid on my lungs again. The drs. re-adjusted my BP meds & put me on a medicine to help me get rid of all the fluid. I am feeling much better & I am glad to have somewhere to actually put things away & be able to focus on my little one.
Dylan is still doing great. The nurses in the NICU told me the other night, “He's just hanging out, being a preemie.” I know that it's true, but it's still hard to leave your tiny baby in the care of someone else. He is such a sweet little guy & I miss him tons. Last night before we left the hospital, we went to visit him. He was really upset & was crying & flailing all over. It was so hard not to reach into that little bed & pick him up & hold him & try to comfort him. I knew that that would not be the safe thing to do because he is so little, but it broke my heart to see him so upset. We finally realized that he was just overstimulated. He had been visited by my mom & step-dad, then the nurse did his diaper change & took all his vitals, then we came to visit. They also had the lights on in his room, which is not normally the case. We ended up turning his lights down & putting our hands over him so he couldn't flail so much. He calmed right down & went to sleep. It was nice to feel like we had done something, but it was still so hard to leave him.
We are planning on heading back over to the hospital this morning to visit with him. We have some other errands to run today, too, in order to get me settled in at the Ronald McDonald house. Derrick will be heading back to work tomorrow, so we have to do some shopping before he leaves. I am also going to try to get some rest today so that I don't end up sick again. The drs. told me that the best thing I can do is to rest & let the pre-eclampsia work its way out. I am planning on taking them seriously because I am pretty sure that over-doing in was what caused the flair up again last week.
I will try to check in more frequently now that I don't have someone hovering over me checking my BP & blood work all the time. Please keep praying for us. While Dylan is doing well, I know that things can change in a second. Also, Derrick is leaving for work tomorrow & I will be here by myself. That is very hard for both of us. So please keep praying – also, if you could remember the other families here at RMH in your prayers, too, I know they would appreciate it. Many of them are also dealing with babies in the NICU.
We love you all & appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, cards & other blessings you give us. I will be checking in again soon.

Dylan with his "sunglasses," hanging out under the lights.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
NICU Update 10-8-08
Wednesday, 10-8-08 Update:
Thank you all for your prayers & support. Derrick, Dylan & I are doing well. Derrick has been a rock for me, doing all he can to make things easier. He has been wonderful. He has also been able to visit Dylan in the NICU more than I have (that's where he is right now) & is able to give me lots of great updates. He is planning on staying here at the hospital with me until I am released. That should be Friday night. We'll see what happens after that later. We are trying to take it one day at a time.
I am doing better. My BP is still a little high, but nothing compared to what it was when I came in. As much as I didn't want Dylan to be born yet, as sick as I was, I feel like he is better off in the NICU. I am still having some headaches, but I think they have to do with stress more than anything else.
For those who were asking, Dylan was born at 26 weeks, 6 days (October 6, 2008). He was 2 lbs. 3 oz. & 14.5 inches long. Dylan is such a fighter. He makes me so proud. He is trying to breathe on his own & is breathing only room air. They have him under photo therapy lights because he has a high billie rubin count. He is in a warmer, too. He was kicking me & moving around when we touched him tonight. The nurse who has been with him the last 2 nights says he is doing well.
While we rejoice that our Dylan is doing well, we know that it is really a waiting game. Please keep us & all of the families of the babies in the NICU in your prayers. When we went down to visit Dylan tonight, there was a family sitting outside a room crying. I know already that that is not a good sign. They were not there when we left & when Derrick went to run something back down for Dylan, there were nurses all over the room & all the lights were on. He is pretty sure that that little one didn't make it. It is very scary. So please pray for that family – all I know is that the little one's name was Jayden. Please keep us in your prayers, too, as we are trying to make some decisions that will effect us as a family.
I do not want to end on a sad note here because there are many great success stories from the NICU & we know that this is one of the best ones in the country. We are pleased that Dylan can be here & receive such great care. It is a blessing to us. I will be checking in later with more updates.
Lots of love & hugs to all!

Thank you all for your prayers & support. Derrick, Dylan & I are doing well. Derrick has been a rock for me, doing all he can to make things easier. He has been wonderful. He has also been able to visit Dylan in the NICU more than I have (that's where he is right now) & is able to give me lots of great updates. He is planning on staying here at the hospital with me until I am released. That should be Friday night. We'll see what happens after that later. We are trying to take it one day at a time.
I am doing better. My BP is still a little high, but nothing compared to what it was when I came in. As much as I didn't want Dylan to be born yet, as sick as I was, I feel like he is better off in the NICU. I am still having some headaches, but I think they have to do with stress more than anything else.
For those who were asking, Dylan was born at 26 weeks, 6 days (October 6, 2008). He was 2 lbs. 3 oz. & 14.5 inches long. Dylan is such a fighter. He makes me so proud. He is trying to breathe on his own & is breathing only room air. They have him under photo therapy lights because he has a high billie rubin count. He is in a warmer, too. He was kicking me & moving around when we touched him tonight. The nurse who has been with him the last 2 nights says he is doing well.
While we rejoice that our Dylan is doing well, we know that it is really a waiting game. Please keep us & all of the families of the babies in the NICU in your prayers. When we went down to visit Dylan tonight, there was a family sitting outside a room crying. I know already that that is not a good sign. They were not there when we left & when Derrick went to run something back down for Dylan, there were nurses all over the room & all the lights were on. He is pretty sure that that little one didn't make it. It is very scary. So please pray for that family – all I know is that the little one's name was Jayden. Please keep us in your prayers, too, as we are trying to make some decisions that will effect us as a family.
I do not want to end on a sad note here because there are many great success stories from the NICU & we know that this is one of the best ones in the country. We are pleased that Dylan can be here & receive such great care. It is a blessing to us. I will be checking in later with more updates.
Lots of love & hugs to all!

Dylan in the NICU
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Guest Post - Derrick: Dylan Jay Sindt
Just wanted to let you know we had the baby last night at 6:05pm CST. We are all doing well. Baby Dylan was 2lbs. 3oz. and 14.5in. We plan to check back later; Renee's really exhausted. We'll try to keep you all updated.

Monday, October 6, 2008
Guest Post - Derrick: Pray for Renee
Just to give everyone an update on Renee's situation, yesterday morning (Sunday) her blood pressure was really high when she woke up. After fighting with it all day, it seemed to go down to a high but acceptable level. So last night we laid down to watch a movie before going to bed. The nurse came in and took her blood pressure again and it was back up.
Last night around 12:30, they came in to check Renee's blood pressure again and it was considerably high. She was also complaining that she was having trouble breathing. Eventually they moved us back over to a room in Labor & Delivery. After poking and prodding her and taking a chest x-ray they found that she had fluid in her left lung. The doctor came in and told us that they were reviewing the x-ray some more and that they may need to do a C section. They told us that it would be about an hour from the time they confirmed the C section to the time the surgery actually took place, so we decided to wait before calling family and telling them of the delivery.
A few minutes later the doctor came back in and told us that the fluid could be caused by multiple things (the preeclampsia, a cold, pneumonia, etc.) and since Renee wasn't physically feeling bad, they didn't want to deliver the baby just yet.
So as it stands right now we are still in the hospital in Iowa City and the baby hasn't arrived yet. If Renee's health starts getting worse, they'll definitely deliver the baby.
For those that don't know (I didn't), babies this far along tend to have a 75% survival rate, so if we have to deliver early he'll likely survive. Also, he'll probably have to be in the hospital until his actual due date.
But anyway, I ask that you please pray for Renee and our unborn child. Things are pretty up in the air right now.
If you wish to come visit, please call ahead of time. I know that at least today Renee isn't up for very many visitors.
Last night around 12:30, they came in to check Renee's blood pressure again and it was considerably high. She was also complaining that she was having trouble breathing. Eventually they moved us back over to a room in Labor & Delivery. After poking and prodding her and taking a chest x-ray they found that she had fluid in her left lung. The doctor came in and told us that they were reviewing the x-ray some more and that they may need to do a C section. They told us that it would be about an hour from the time they confirmed the C section to the time the surgery actually took place, so we decided to wait before calling family and telling them of the delivery.
A few minutes later the doctor came back in and told us that the fluid could be caused by multiple things (the preeclampsia, a cold, pneumonia, etc.) and since Renee wasn't physically feeling bad, they didn't want to deliver the baby just yet.
So as it stands right now we are still in the hospital in Iowa City and the baby hasn't arrived yet. If Renee's health starts getting worse, they'll definitely deliver the baby.
For those that don't know (I didn't), babies this far along tend to have a 75% survival rate, so if we have to deliver early he'll likely survive. Also, he'll probably have to be in the hospital until his actual due date.
But anyway, I ask that you please pray for Renee and our unborn child. Things are pretty up in the air right now.
If you wish to come visit, please call ahead of time. I know that at least today Renee isn't up for very many visitors.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Hospital Bedrest Update
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this. I ate breakfast, then they moved my room, then I got settled in & took a nap. My mom & stepdad came up for a while & then I ate dinner & took a shower. I am finally settled into bed & I am finally getting around to updating.
***I am posting the same note I posted on my pregnancy board, so some of it might not make sense. I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have!
Wednesday afternoon, my laptop wasn't working. Ultimately we found out that my hard drive was bad & Derrick had to change it out last night. That's why I couldn't get on & update earlier.
At the dr. on Wednesday I was told that despite the BP meds, my BP had not gone down & the protein in my 24 hr. urine was up. I was sent back to the hospital for more monitoring & another 24 hr. urine. Thursday night I was informed that my protein was almost twice what it had been when I had just done the previous collection 48 hrs. before. My BP was really high (180/110 range) & I had a migraine that kept coming back, even with medicine – all signs of pre-elampcia. The dr. thought I was going to have to deliver within a few days, so she got me set up to go to the OB floor at the University of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City (about 1 hr. from our house). If you have to deliver early, this is the place to do it. The hospital in Davenport won't even deliver until 30 or 32 weeks. So I got the steroids shots for the baby's lungs. I was taken by ambulance (not in a rush, but apparently that it how they transport from one hospital to another) & I am now at the hospital in Iowa City. I've been here since late Thursday night.
Since getting here, I have been doing really well. My BP is right around normal range now & I haven't had any more headaches or anything. The drs. seem optimistic that I can carry the little guy for a while still. They upped my BP meds & I am on a modified bed rest at the hospital. So I will probably have lots of time to get on & chat! They say that I won't go home until the baby comes & they are hoping to hold things off until 34 weeks (but we'll see). I am only at 26weeks 4days right now, so I have a long road ahead of me. I found out that they do have activities for moms like me who are stuck at the hospital, so that is going to be exciting & fun. I am also planning on finishing some crafts & working on little guy's scrapbook. So I have a lot of things that I can be doing.
I will try to get on with more updates soon - it is just kind of a waiting game at this point. So keep praying for me & the little guy. He needs to stay in a while longer!
Love you guys! I'll be talking to you later!!!
***I am posting the same note I posted on my pregnancy board, so some of it might not make sense. I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have!
Wednesday afternoon, my laptop wasn't working. Ultimately we found out that my hard drive was bad & Derrick had to change it out last night. That's why I couldn't get on & update earlier.
At the dr. on Wednesday I was told that despite the BP meds, my BP had not gone down & the protein in my 24 hr. urine was up. I was sent back to the hospital for more monitoring & another 24 hr. urine. Thursday night I was informed that my protein was almost twice what it had been when I had just done the previous collection 48 hrs. before. My BP was really high (180/110 range) & I had a migraine that kept coming back, even with medicine – all signs of pre-elampcia. The dr. thought I was going to have to deliver within a few days, so she got me set up to go to the OB floor at the University of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City (about 1 hr. from our house). If you have to deliver early, this is the place to do it. The hospital in Davenport won't even deliver until 30 or 32 weeks. So I got the steroids shots for the baby's lungs. I was taken by ambulance (not in a rush, but apparently that it how they transport from one hospital to another) & I am now at the hospital in Iowa City. I've been here since late Thursday night.
Since getting here, I have been doing really well. My BP is right around normal range now & I haven't had any more headaches or anything. The drs. seem optimistic that I can carry the little guy for a while still. They upped my BP meds & I am on a modified bed rest at the hospital. So I will probably have lots of time to get on & chat! They say that I won't go home until the baby comes & they are hoping to hold things off until 34 weeks (but we'll see). I am only at 26weeks 4days right now, so I have a long road ahead of me. I found out that they do have activities for moms like me who are stuck at the hospital, so that is going to be exciting & fun. I am also planning on finishing some crafts & working on little guy's scrapbook. So I have a lot of things that I can be doing.
I will try to get on with more updates soon - it is just kind of a waiting game at this point. So keep praying for me & the little guy. He needs to stay in a while longer!
Love you guys! I'll be talking to you later!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Blood Pressure Update
Just an update about what's going on.
My high BP landed me in the hospital & they are diagnosing me with pre-eclampsia. I am doing fine, baby is fine - but if the pre-eclampsia gets worse, I will have to deliver the baby.
I'll update again later - my laptop is broken & Derrick is fixing it tonight. I'm using a friend's computer, so I'll check back after mine is fixed.
Love you all - talk to you all later!
My high BP landed me in the hospital & they are diagnosing me with pre-eclampsia. I am doing fine, baby is fine - but if the pre-eclampsia gets worse, I will have to deliver the baby.
I'll update again later - my laptop is broken & Derrick is fixing it tonight. I'm using a friend's computer, so I'll check back after mine is fixed.
Love you all - talk to you all later!
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