So I haven't blogged much lately. Honestly, life has been very overwhelming & I haven't quite known how to put it into words. Maybe I will soon. But today I want to share about something that has been on my heart & that I do know how to put into words.

This is my friend Kami & her family. Kami & I met in a Facebook group & then realized we lived kind of near each other (about 90 minutes apart), so we met up. She is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. Her little girls are adorable & while I've never met her husband, I'm sure he's fantastic, too.

Kami & I connected as Christian mamas, but also as mamas who were looking into pursuing an international adoption. For us, that international adoption is just not possible at this time, but for Kami & her family, it is. The fact that I can't go snatch up one of those sweet babies from a life in a crib or institution (or worse) breaks my heart. But while I can't physically rescue one of those little ones, I can sure help out those who can.
Kami & Chris are adopting Ladybug (not her real name). I can't show you her picture right now, but I can tell you - she is CUTE! She has an adorable sweet face... pretty brown hair...big gorgeous eyes! She is an orphan with special needs in Eastern Europe, but hopefully not for long! Kami & her family are in the process of adopting her! They are hoping to travel to meet her in early spring, but they need to get funding together first.
See, here's the thing: Most families who want to adopt would have no problem providing for the extra child or children they are planning to adopt. The issue comes with all the fees associated with the adoption. Many international adoptions cost between $20,000 & $30,000. There are fees for homestudies, background checks, travel expenses, agency costs, orphanage "donations" & on & on. It costs so much to bring these kids home.
As time goes on I'll be sharing more about Kami & Chris's adoption, but for now, I'll leave you with this: I want to see this little girl come home. Doesn't she deserve to have a family of her own? To have a Daddy to snuggle her, a Mama to care for her, sisters to play with? I think she does & I want to help. So I am sending a plea to you, readers, to make a donation to her adoption. You can donate at Even if you are not able to donate, I know the family would appreciate your prayers through this process. Pray that Ladybug will be safe & feel God's love surround her. Pray that Kami & Chris can get through the piles of paperwork quickly so they can travel soon. Pray that the adoption will be approved by Ladybug's country. Pray that this family will soon be all together.
I appreciate your love & support for this family! Let's get this sweet girl home as soon as possible!
Kami & her family have currently raised $9,540.83 on Reece's Rainbow! I'd love to see them at $10,000 before the end of the year!