When I was in high school I worked at an after school program at an elementary school. Many of the kids grew up in homes at or below the poverty level, didn't have appropriate amounts of supervision, & were generally just trouble. I just loved them. I loved being able to love on them while they were at the program & I wanted to be a person they could trust when so many people around them were just not that trustworthy. That job was probably my favorite job I've ever had & I've had some pretty decent jobs!
So back to orphans...why are they so important to me? Here's the deal: Most of these orphans have no one to love them...not even a high school junior who could do very little for their situation. Many of the orphans have special needs - spina bifida, HIV positive, cerebral palsy, limb differences, down syndrome - & they were abandoned by their parents because they either couldn't, or didn't want to, raise a child that needed extra care. Many of these kids are abandoned because it is shameful to have a child who isn't perfect. It's just a sad, sad situation.
So the kids grow up in an orphanage, with no Mama & Daddy to love them. If they aren't adopted, they either die in an orphanage or institution, or they age out of the orphanage & are released out into the world with no guidance, and just waiting to be victims of slave traders or sex traffickers. I look at the sweet little faces of children who are available for adoption & wonder how we can let that happen to them. I've decided that I can't. I can't sit by & take care of my boys & live my comfortable life & then turn my back on these little ones who have no one. As a Christian & a human being, I can't continue to pretend this kind of thing isn't happening.
I can't adopt right now, but I can make a difference for these kids. Here are some families I'd love to be able to make a difference for! They are each adopting at least one child internationally & are rescuing those kids from a lifetime of heartache!

The next 2 are a little bittersweet for me. They both include sweet little girls that we were very interested in, but were just unable to make a commitment to. I am so excited that they both have families & I can't wait to see them growing as I follow their families blogs.
If you can, show these families some love by making a donation to their adoption fund. Even if you can't donate, I'd love to have you share this post & pray for these families. They are doing a fantastic thing & I want them to feel loved and encouraged throughout this process. I can't wait to see pictures of them all home with their families!