"Maybe we can use those avocados to make bwacamole." (3-1-2014)
Sometimes having a 5 year old who reads makes life interesting. While taking a bath, Dylan said, "Why does this soap say, 'Keep out of reach of children'?" If that was a ploy to get out of washing himself, it didn't work. (3-1-2014)
"Look, there is another book called, ' Dr. Meow's Big 'mergency.'" (3-1-14)
Derrick & Dylan were talking about someone having surgery. Derrick told Dylan that the doctors would cut the person open & go in to fix stuff up. Dylan wanted to know how they were going to go in. He assumed "go in" meant the entire doctor was going in, not just his hands & some tools. (3-9-14)
While watching Dora, we learned that Dora says "con permiso" when she needs to get by someone. When I asked Dylan what he thought it meant, he said, "Please get out of the way." Um, kind of, but it would be nice to be a little more polite.
Dylan & I were talking about him growing up. I said, "and now you are a big 5 year old. How did that happen?" He replied, "Because I keep having birthdays." (3-22-14)
"Why did you took your boots off?" - said to a little girl he was playing with at the park (3-26-14)
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