So Dylan is 11 months old today...I can't believe it. I say that every month, but this time I am really having issues with it. He's just getting so big. One month from today he'll be a year old. He's not going to be a baby anymore. It's so hard to believe that 11 months ago we had a tiny 2 lb, 3 oz baby in the NICU & now he is a big, feisty, determined almost toddler! Well, I guess he's always been determined & feisty, but now it's just a lot more noticeable!
Dylan has been doing big things over the last month. He is crawling all over the much so that a baby gate was in order for the kitchen door. He is also pulling up on everything & trying to get into as much trouble as he can. His favorite new toy is the door to the dog kennel. He loves to open it & shut it & try to crawl inside. He also enjoys tormenting the dog. He grins so big when Casey comes around. Between Casey & Grandpa Wayne, it's a draw between who's the favorite!
As for being more vocal, I feel like we are finally starting to make some strides. He has started making the “g” & “ga” sound a lot. Still not much else, but he does seem to be jabbering more & yelling less. Dylan & I started a baby sign language class last week & I am hoping by encouraging signing I will also be encouraging communication. The problem is consistency. I need to remember to sign to him more often. We are mostly working on “more,” “eat” & “milk/drink.” I don't really think he knows what any of them mean yet though. He does seem to have his own sign for “more” though. He bangs on his tray a lot. He also does it when he is drinking a bottle – almost like he is saying, “Wow, that is one GOOD bottle!” He is super cute.
As for his size, I don't have a height on him, although I think he is taller than he was a month ago. He is 23 lbs! He loves to eat & our joke is that when he is feeding himself, he eats like he hasn't been fed in days! He would rather feed himself than have us feed him, except when it comes to his bottles – he is still refusing to hold those on his own.
So that is pretty much our update for this month. We do have an upcoming surgery this month – Dylan will be having his circumcision done on the 17th. While it is not a major surgery by any means, he does still have to be under anesthetics for it & that makes me nervous. It will be an all day event in Iowa City between the pre-op, surgery, & recovery, so it is looking like it will be a long day for all of us. Derrick & my parents will be going up with us, so it shouldn't be too hard of a wait for me. The surgery is only supposed to take about 45 minutes, but the recovery could take 4 hours. Please keep us in your prayers that day. We would very much appreciate it.
So really, that is it. Look forward to a major update on his birthday. I am excited & sad about it all at the same time. What a blessing it is that we have been able to have him for the last 11 months. We are looking forward to seeing what the last part of Dylan's first year have in store for us!

Dylan has been doing big things over the last month. He is crawling all over the much so that a baby gate was in order for the kitchen door. He is also pulling up on everything & trying to get into as much trouble as he can. His favorite new toy is the door to the dog kennel. He loves to open it & shut it & try to crawl inside. He also enjoys tormenting the dog. He grins so big when Casey comes around. Between Casey & Grandpa Wayne, it's a draw between who's the favorite!
As for being more vocal, I feel like we are finally starting to make some strides. He has started making the “g” & “ga” sound a lot. Still not much else, but he does seem to be jabbering more & yelling less. Dylan & I started a baby sign language class last week & I am hoping by encouraging signing I will also be encouraging communication. The problem is consistency. I need to remember to sign to him more often. We are mostly working on “more,” “eat” & “milk/drink.” I don't really think he knows what any of them mean yet though. He does seem to have his own sign for “more” though. He bangs on his tray a lot. He also does it when he is drinking a bottle – almost like he is saying, “Wow, that is one GOOD bottle!” He is super cute.
As for his size, I don't have a height on him, although I think he is taller than he was a month ago. He is 23 lbs! He loves to eat & our joke is that when he is feeding himself, he eats like he hasn't been fed in days! He would rather feed himself than have us feed him, except when it comes to his bottles – he is still refusing to hold those on his own.
So that is pretty much our update for this month. We do have an upcoming surgery this month – Dylan will be having his circumcision done on the 17th. While it is not a major surgery by any means, he does still have to be under anesthetics for it & that makes me nervous. It will be an all day event in Iowa City between the pre-op, surgery, & recovery, so it is looking like it will be a long day for all of us. Derrick & my parents will be going up with us, so it shouldn't be too hard of a wait for me. The surgery is only supposed to take about 45 minutes, but the recovery could take 4 hours. Please keep us in your prayers that day. We would very much appreciate it.
So really, that is it. Look forward to a major update on his birthday. I am excited & sad about it all at the same time. What a blessing it is that we have been able to have him for the last 11 months. We are looking forward to seeing what the last part of Dylan's first year have in store for us!

Dylan & his buddy Emma at Emma's birthday party - August 30, 2009
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