Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dylan - 9 Month Update

We just got back from Dylan's 9 month check up & the news is wonderful! Dylan is doing awesome, much, much better than the doctor expected! Here are the stats:

Weight: 20 lbs. 1 oz! - He is at the 40th percentile for his ACTUAL age!!! That is amazing! Last time we were at the ped he wasn't even on the chart for his age. He was also switched off of the Neosure fatty formula to regular formula. 
Height: 26 ¾ inches. He's a shorty – 6.6th percentile! No wonder he looks so pudgy!
Head circumference: Can't remember the number, but it was about the 5th percentile. 

So, overall, Dylan is chunky & short. But he's adorable! He has 4 teeth, 2 on the bottom & 2 coming in on the top. His eye teeth are the ones coming in on the top, so when they fully come in he is going to look funny! He can roll both directions & can get up on all 4's to try to scoot around. He mostly just gets frustrated & yells though. He is not sitting up much on his own, but he tries. 

The doctor is pleased with Dylan's progress. He is developmentally about a 6 month old, but he is about the same size as a 9 month old. We really need to work on him catching up developmentally – I don't know if he will qualify for any early intervention or AEA or if he will even need it. I will probably try to look into that when he is closer to a year old. I figure that speech will probably be an issue, so I am trying to really work with him on sounds & we have been doing some signing...well, I've been doing some signing to him. He doesn't sign back yet or really understand them, but I am hoping that it will help him to catch up quicker. They say most micropreemies (born before 30 weeks) catch up by their 2nd birthday. 

So that's the update – Dylan is doing great & we love him more & more every day. He is such a special blessing & miracle. I was looking at him the other day sleeping in his crib & I remember bringing him home & how we would put him in the crib sideways because he was so tiny. Now he sprawls out all over the place in there! It's just amazing what God has done for him! We are thankful everyday for the wonderful blessing that he is!

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