We just got back from Dylan's 9 month check up & the news is wonderful! Dylan is doing awesome, much, much better than the doctor expected! Here are the stats:
Weight: 20 lbs. 1 oz! - He is at the 40th percentile for his ACTUAL age!!! That is amazing! Last time we were at the ped he wasn't even on the chart for his age. He was also switched off of the Neosure fatty formula to regular formula.
Height: 26 ¾ inches. He's a shorty – 6.6th percentile! No wonder he looks so pudgy!
Head circumference: Can't remember the number, but it was about the 5th percentile.
So, overall, Dylan is chunky & short. But he's adorable! He has 4 teeth, 2 on the bottom & 2 coming in on the top. His eye teeth are the ones coming in on the top, so when they fully come in he is going to look funny! He can roll both directions & can get up on all 4's to try to scoot around. He mostly just gets frustrated & yells though. He is not sitting up much on his own, but he tries.
The doctor is pleased with Dylan's progress. He is developmentally about a 6 month old, but he is about the same size as a 9 month old. We really need to work on him catching up developmentally – I don't know if he will qualify for any early intervention or AEA or if he will even need it. I will probably try to look into that when he is closer to a year old. I figure that speech will probably be an issue, so I am trying to really work with him on sounds & we have been doing some signing...well, I've been doing some signing to him. He doesn't sign back yet or really understand them, but I am hoping that it will help him to catch up quicker. They say most micropreemies (born before 30 weeks) catch up by their 2nd birthday.
So that's the update – Dylan is doing great & we love him more & more every day. He is such a special blessing & miracle. I was looking at him the other day sleeping in his crib & I remember bringing him home & how we would put him in the crib sideways because he was so tiny. Now he sprawls out all over the place in there! It's just amazing what God has done for him! We are thankful everyday for the wonderful blessing that he is!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Dylan Update - July 2009
I thought it was about time for an update - Dylan will be 9 months old on Monday...can you believe it? 9 months ago I was in the hospital thinking I was going to just be on bed rest for the remained of my pregnancy...which I guess was true, but I thought it would last a lot longer! Dylan is doing amazingly great & we are so happy to have him.
Dylan started “army crawling” yesterday. He was laying on his back playing with a rattle & dropped it, so he rolled over & started crawling towards it! He kept hitting it with his hand & pushing it farther though, so he was getting really frustrated. I tried to video it, but he got distracted by the diaper bag once I got the camera out & never did really go anywhere. I'll have to upload it to facebook anyway – it was really cute. He has also been crawling all over his crib. This morning I went in to get him & he was on his belly turned completely around looking at the door waiting for me. Too cute. He has been so happy today.
Dylan has been trying to sit up, but struggles with it because he would rather be standing, so he tends to throw himself backwards. I am not really sure how to help with that. I don't want him to crack his head on the floor, but I want him to learn that that's not a good idea. He does sit up on his own for a few seconds, but then he either flops over backwards or folds completely in half forward. I'm a little stuck on what to do to help him, but I guess he'll figure it out soon enough.
I am starting to realize that he really is a good baby – I don't know what I'll do if I get a difficult baby next time. He has generally slept through the night for months, he has weened himself down to 2 naps & sometimes one evening catnap a day & he is just generally happy. Makes my life as a stay-at-home mom a little better! I am interested to see where he will be at when we go to the ped. on the 14th. I feel like he is doing a lot of the things that normal 5-6 month olds are doing, so it will be interesting to see what milestones he has reached for his age.
The last time Dylan was weighed & measured was the beginning of June & he was 18 lbs. & 25 inches. He's still a shorty, even for his adjusted age of 5-6 months, but he is doing well in the weight area. I think he is even on the charts for his actual age of 9 months! He is growing like crazy! He loves food & really hasn't refused anything we have given to him. He didn't like the carrots I made, but he liked the jarred ones, so I will just have to try those again.
Overall, Dylan is doing great. He is big, generally healthy, & is a happy, happy boy! We still feel extremely blessed that God has given him to us to raise up for Him. What a privilege! God is good!
Dylan started “army crawling” yesterday. He was laying on his back playing with a rattle & dropped it, so he rolled over & started crawling towards it! He kept hitting it with his hand & pushing it farther though, so he was getting really frustrated. I tried to video it, but he got distracted by the diaper bag once I got the camera out & never did really go anywhere. I'll have to upload it to facebook anyway – it was really cute. He has also been crawling all over his crib. This morning I went in to get him & he was on his belly turned completely around looking at the door waiting for me. Too cute. He has been so happy today.
Dylan has been trying to sit up, but struggles with it because he would rather be standing, so he tends to throw himself backwards. I am not really sure how to help with that. I don't want him to crack his head on the floor, but I want him to learn that that's not a good idea. He does sit up on his own for a few seconds, but then he either flops over backwards or folds completely in half forward. I'm a little stuck on what to do to help him, but I guess he'll figure it out soon enough.
I am starting to realize that he really is a good baby – I don't know what I'll do if I get a difficult baby next time. He has generally slept through the night for months, he has weened himself down to 2 naps & sometimes one evening catnap a day & he is just generally happy. Makes my life as a stay-at-home mom a little better! I am interested to see where he will be at when we go to the ped. on the 14th. I feel like he is doing a lot of the things that normal 5-6 month olds are doing, so it will be interesting to see what milestones he has reached for his age.
The last time Dylan was weighed & measured was the beginning of June & he was 18 lbs. & 25 inches. He's still a shorty, even for his adjusted age of 5-6 months, but he is doing well in the weight area. I think he is even on the charts for his actual age of 9 months! He is growing like crazy! He loves food & really hasn't refused anything we have given to him. He didn't like the carrots I made, but he liked the jarred ones, so I will just have to try those again.
Overall, Dylan is doing great. He is big, generally healthy, & is a happy, happy boy! We still feel extremely blessed that God has given him to us to raise up for Him. What a privilege! God is good!

Dylan on Baby Day - June 14, 2009
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