Derrick & I went to the doctor again today for another checkup. We were supposed to be able to hear the heartbeat with this thing called a doppler. The doctor rubs it on your stomach like doing an ultrasound, but it only has sound. We were only able to hear the heartbeat for a second, but it kept picking up my heartbeat instead. The doctor asked us if we would like to have an ultrasound, just to make sure everything was fine. I said yes, because I did not want to sit at home for the next 4 weeks & wonder if everything was okay. I also figure that if they are going to offer me another ultrasound, I will take it. It is awesome to be able to see our little one!
When we went in for the ultrasound, the ultrasound tech found the heartbeat right away. She also discovered why the doctor could not find it - our little one had its back towards the outside, so the doctor was trying to find a heartbeat through his or her spine. This child is already a stubborn one! The ultrasound tech said that the heartbeat was 173 & it was 170 last time. That is good. There do not seem to be any problems! Praise God!
We were also able to get some new pictures of the baby to bring home. Our little one is getting big. When we were at the doctor 4 weeks ago, our baby was only 1 inch. Today he or she is 5 inches! We could also see his or her feet, hands, & tiny profile. It was so neat. While the lady was doing the ultrasound we also got to see the baby open & shut his or her mouth. That was the coolest feeling. Even though that baby is so tiny, he or she can already do a lot of things. The baby also put his or her little hand up near the face. It will be interesting to find out if we have a thumb-sucker on our hands!
Finally, I was thrilled to hear that my blood pressure was more normal this time. It has been a little high at the last appointments, so I was worried, but it seemed to be good this time. I was also excited to find out that I have not gained too much weight yet. I feel like I have, but I have only gained about 4 lbs in 13 weeks. Now is probably the time it will really start though!
I will try to put up the new pictures later after Derrick scans them for me. Thank you all again for all your support & love. We love you all & are thankful that you are our friends!
Edit Here are the newest ultrasound pictures I promised. Baby's heartbeat was 173 & he or she was just about 5 inches long!

Side shot of Baby Sindt

Another shot of the baby - you can see the legs well in this one

A great shot of the baby's profile!