Saturday, June 4, 2016

Quiz Your Toddler - Andrew


What's your name? "Andrew!"

How old are you? Struggles to get 3 fingers up "Free. I'm free"

When is your birthday? "Tomorrow"

How old is mommy? "2"

How old is Daddy? "1"

What's your favorite color? "Orange & lellow & green. And blue. And green. And lellow. I like lellow. I like all of them."

What's your favorite food? "Pizza"

Who's your best friend? "You!"

What's your favorite show? "I like Daniel Tiger."

What's your favorite movie? "I like videos. Inside Out."

What's your favorite song? "Let It Go"

What's your favorite animal? "Giraffe"

What are you scared of? "Spiders"

What makes you happy? "Crying makes me happy."

Where is your favorite place to go? "I don't know. To the store."

What is your favorite toy? "Daniel Tiger"

What's your favorite thing to do outside? "Play with dirt."

What's your favorite dessert? "Cupcakes"

What do you want to be when you grow up? "A fireman"