I'm sure there have been many more hilarious things the boys have said, but here are some highlights.
Soupman = Superman
Batban - Batman
Andrew has a problem with Ls. They never come out as Ls. Examples:
Dyyan - Dylan
Tinkle, Tinkle, Yiddle Star - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
I sit on you yap - I sit on your lap
Yook! - Look!
He also thinks that just by adding "okay" to his statement, it automatically becomes true. Ex. -
Andrew - " I have apple juice."
Me - "No, you are having water."
Andrew - "Okay, apple juice."
Sorry, buddy, that's not how it works.
Andrew feeding Casey crackers -
"Andrew, don't give those to Casey."
"It be nice. He yike them."
How do you not let him keep doing it with logic like that?!
While I was discussing all the laundry with Derrick.
Renee: "Ugh, the laundry. I just can't even..."
Dylan (interrupting): "resist!"
Yes, Dylan, I just can't even resist doing the laundry. 8-/
Dylan heard a commercial on the radio for JoAnn Fabrics: "Mom, do you need to go to JoAnn's?"
Me: "No, I don't think I need anything."
Dylan: "But Mom, don't you need yarn?!"
That's my boy! He just knows me so well!