Friday, August 17, 2012

Dylanisms Part 3

As Dylan is getting older, his use of words makes more sense than it used to. Now he just says hilarious & crazy things. Future Sunday school teachers, look out...I think we've got a class clown on our hands!
* While drinking a glass of water - "Mama, this is pancake juice. I love pancake juice. It's delicious!"
* Dylan: "See my belly button?"
   Me: "Yes, what about it?"
   Dylan: "It's on my belly."
* Hop-spit-tal = hospital
* While eating pizza: "Mama, can you give me another 'pretend stick'?" Come to find out, he meant BREADstick!
*Bwacamole = Guacamole
* While Derrick was shaking out a rug, Dylan asked him, "Is that your friend?" Derrick answered, "The rug? Is the rug your friend?"
* Stalling going to bed:
Dylan: "Mama, where is my bunny?"
Me: "What bunny?"
Dylan: "The bunny what is blue & has eggs on it. He is soooo cute."
*Stunk = skunk
Oh Dylan. Thanks for bringing constant joy & entertainment into our lives.