Dylan is now 5 months old. I can hardly believe it. At last check he weighed 10.5 lbs & was 22 ¼ inches long. He is getting so big. He has gained over 8 lbs. since he was born. He has recently started sucking his thumb & smiling a ton. He was such a grouchy baby the last couple months & I thought he would be like that for a while longer, but it seems like someone has flipped a switch with him. Of course he is still crabby sometimes, but he is happier more, too. He is beginning to enjoy his swing & bouncy seat which is wonderful because it gives this Mama's arms a break. We sure love him though & enjoy all the cuddles & smiles (the diapers & spit-up not as much!)
I still wonder on an almost daily basis how it can be that we were able to bring home such a little miracle with no major problems. Dylan can see, hear, eat, breathe. Why did God give us a baby with no problems while I know others who have preemie babies with many problems? I am certainly not complaining – I recognize it as a blessing from God. My heart hurts for my good friend Julie though. She had triplets on September 1st at 27 weeks. All 3 babies ended up going home on oxygen & apnea monitors. They have had breathing issues & apnea problems. 2 of them have eye issues. 1 has hearing issues. 1 had a brain bleed. 1 has Down's Syndrome. 2 of the triplets are doing great now & may be off their oxygen soon. Miss Macy, who has Down's, has been struggling. They are still trying to get her formula figured out so she can gain more weight. She weighs less than Dylan even though she was born a month earlier. Her brother & sister each weigh at least 3 lbs. more than her. So pray for Macy & the rest of Julie's family if you have a chance. I know they would appreciate it.
Not much has changed on our end. Dylan is finally sleeping though the night on a regular basis & we are loving it. It makes him getting up at 6:15 every morning seem really good. Derrick & I still alternate nights with Dylan. Hopefully we will be done with that soon & I will just get into a routine of getting up with him in the morning. Derrick is a great daddy & did a great job with Dylan today when I was not feeling well. I am so thankful for him.
That is all that is going on with us. We are just busy with church, family, & a sweet little baby boy. I will try to update more often, but I make no promises. Hope you have a great night!

I still wonder on an almost daily basis how it can be that we were able to bring home such a little miracle with no major problems. Dylan can see, hear, eat, breathe. Why did God give us a baby with no problems while I know others who have preemie babies with many problems? I am certainly not complaining – I recognize it as a blessing from God. My heart hurts for my good friend Julie though. She had triplets on September 1st at 27 weeks. All 3 babies ended up going home on oxygen & apnea monitors. They have had breathing issues & apnea problems. 2 of them have eye issues. 1 has hearing issues. 1 had a brain bleed. 1 has Down's Syndrome. 2 of the triplets are doing great now & may be off their oxygen soon. Miss Macy, who has Down's, has been struggling. They are still trying to get her formula figured out so she can gain more weight. She weighs less than Dylan even though she was born a month earlier. Her brother & sister each weigh at least 3 lbs. more than her. So pray for Macy & the rest of Julie's family if you have a chance. I know they would appreciate it.
Not much has changed on our end. Dylan is finally sleeping though the night on a regular basis & we are loving it. It makes him getting up at 6:15 every morning seem really good. Derrick & I still alternate nights with Dylan. Hopefully we will be done with that soon & I will just get into a routine of getting up with him in the morning. Derrick is a great daddy & did a great job with Dylan today when I was not feeling well. I am so thankful for him.
That is all that is going on with us. We are just busy with church, family, & a sweet little baby boy. I will try to update more often, but I make no promises. Hope you have a great night!

Dylan's first experience with the exersaucer - March 5, 2009