I am writing an update while Derrick is holding the baby. He was screaming again, as usual (the baby, not Derrick). He is finally asleep, but I think Derrick is going to have a rough time putting him in his crib. He has to return some Wii games to Blockbuster, so maybe he'll just take Dylan with him.
I took Dylan to his UIHC High Risk follow-up last Monday. He was 9 lbs. 2.6 oz. What a chunk! The lady we met with said that he is developmentally on target for where he should be for his adjusted age of 1 month. We have to watch his head & neck development because he is favoring turning his head to the right. He can turn it to the left, but he usually chooses not to. He can already roll over from his tummy to his back! He has also started smiling at us, though not consistently.
This past Tuesday I took Dylan to his 4 month well baby check with his pediatrician. He weighed 9 lbs. 9 oz. & was 22 inches long. The doctor was very impressed with his progress & while he is still not in the percentiles on the growth chart, he is making good progress. We still have to worry about him getting sick, but he is doing well so far. Dylan received 3 shots & did really well with it. He cried for a few minutes, but got over it pretty quickly. We go back in April for his 6 month check & more shots.
I love being a stay at home mom, although I find myself very tired most of the time. Dylan is quite demanding about being held & will scream & scream if no one picks him up. I just keep reminding myself that the messy house will be there later, but Dylan will only be little for a while. Soon he won't want to be held at all :(
Well, that's about it for the update tonight. I will try to update more often, but it is difficult typing one handed :)
I took Dylan to his UIHC High Risk follow-up last Monday. He was 9 lbs. 2.6 oz. What a chunk! The lady we met with said that he is developmentally on target for where he should be for his adjusted age of 1 month. We have to watch his head & neck development because he is favoring turning his head to the right. He can turn it to the left, but he usually chooses not to. He can already roll over from his tummy to his back! He has also started smiling at us, though not consistently.
This past Tuesday I took Dylan to his 4 month well baby check with his pediatrician. He weighed 9 lbs. 9 oz. & was 22 inches long. The doctor was very impressed with his progress & while he is still not in the percentiles on the growth chart, he is making good progress. We still have to worry about him getting sick, but he is doing well so far. Dylan received 3 shots & did really well with it. He cried for a few minutes, but got over it pretty quickly. We go back in April for his 6 month check & more shots.
I love being a stay at home mom, although I find myself very tired most of the time. Dylan is quite demanding about being held & will scream & scream if no one picks him up. I just keep reminding myself that the messy house will be there later, but Dylan will only be little for a while. Soon he won't want to be held at all :(
Well, that's about it for the update tonight. I will try to update more often, but it is difficult typing one handed :)

My current favorite picture of Dylan